So I like to watch General Hospital. We all have our shows we've hidden in our TV closet but I'm comin' out and proud of it. Don't laugh!!!
I know you are secretly watching The Bachelorette but are afraid to claim it because the guys would laugh at you in the office. But didn't a few of them leave early also on Monday nights lately saying they have to pick up their clothes at the cleaners or walk the dog (and you know for a fact they don't own a dog)? You knew it was a lie on Tuesday morning when they cruised in wearing a shirt that hadn't seen the steam. And you caught a few of your co-workers catching up online watching The View about the one who got canned at the rose ceremony only a few DVR hours ago. Uh huh.
By the way, who do you think she'll pick?
Gotcha! See?!! You were quick to think about your answer because I caught it in your eyes. I KNEW you were watching.
So . . . back to G.H.
I have a new convert to G.H. who voiced up and down that he'd NEVER watch a Soap. But now he calls me for a synopsis if he misses a show and says that my short renditions are even better than the live versions. Who could not love Spinelli? (O.K., you'll have to watch the show to get the scoop on him. Reading about him isn't good enough. You'll have to watch him act.) And Sonny Corinthos? Yeah. He's so bad, he's good and when he throws Claudia on the couch and takes over where she started, you want to laugh and say, “You go, guy!!!”
And Carly is another story. She can drop a tear quicker than you can say Jason Morgan! Who, by the way, can drop a tear almost as fast, only his aren't as crocodile as Carlys'. But he drops his head and stares until his eyes are rimmed in pink and that tear forms ready to drop but just hangs in the corner, waiting.
And don't you just love Olivia Falconeri? Her sarcasm and little grin is great, right? And it's about time they let an older woman be with a younger man. Looks like Johnnie can handle all that Olivia has to offer even if he could be her son, and I bet he's enjoying every “Cut!” of it what with the big grin that crops up on his face whenever she enters the room. It's NOT an act!
Not to mention Dianne's quick comebacks and put-downs that make you want to either crawl in a corner or jump on her because she's so Charles-in-Charge. Her upper lip gets thin and stiff but her lower lip does all the talking, and her eyes tell you that she's going to open a can of Whupass any minute if you don't back off. And she tells Jason to basically Shut Up!!! Dianne, you're too much, but keep it comin'!!!
So turn on G.H. at 3 o'clock or DVR it, buckle your seat belts and get ready for a bumpy ride. You won't want to get out of the car.
(c) nancy
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