Pookie got in her red hot pepper-colored BMW to "meet up" with her first cyberdate. She knew she shouldn't have gone but since it was her first time, being an online dating virgin and all, she thought ‘what the heck’ and decided to give the guy a ‘look see’ and the benefit of the doubt.
She pulled into the designated parking lot and ignored the first red flag as he pulled in beside her in a beat-up convertible. “Hmmmmm. Not a good sign,” was her first thought which she threw out the window along with her better judgment. After all, first impressions aren’t always right, right?
The second flag flew up when Pookie saw him open the car door, get out and emerge with baby fat smeared all over his face. The unalterable fact that he was 20 something and she was 50 something could be a problem. But Demi and Ashton were desperately in love with a huge age difference, right?
“Don’t be too quick to judge,” she admonished herself.
And then he smiled. Red flag number three . . missing teeth!
Pookie learned that Cyberdate had a specific gene that birthed him without the possibility of ever producing his own grown-up teeth. For the moment, Cyberdate’s mouth looked like a construction site for a metal suspension bridge with wires connecting the tiny baby teeth to parts unknown widening the spaces between the upcoming adult teeth which would be screwed into his jawbone propelling him past puberty into adulthood in a single dental visit.
“You could be my Sugar Mamma,” she heard him respond to her acknowledgment about the complications of their age difference which she tactfully brought up instead of the fact that she couldn’t possibly date someone who didn’t have teeth to floss.
So Pookie found herself face to face with a guy who was still a baby in at least one way, and she knew it was going to be a long row to hoe in the 2007 dating garden. Baby corn wasn't going to be her vegetable of choice. All of a sudden Pookie saw the rows and rows of new and used up vegetables she was going to have to get on her tractor of love to plow through, and she hoped it wasn't going to be a long, hot summer.
(c) nancy 7.10.2009
Pookie got in her red hot pepper-colored BMW to "meet up" with her first cyberdate. She knew she shouldn't have gone but since it was her first time, being an online dating virgin and all, she thought ‘what the heck’ and decided to give the guy a ‘look see’ and the benefit of the doubt.
She pulled into the designated parking lot and ignored the first red flag as he pulled in beside her in a beat-up convertible. “Hmmmmm. Not a good sign,” was her first thought which she threw out the window along with her better judgment. After all, first impressions aren’t always right, right?
The second flag flew up when Pookie saw him open the car door, get out and emerge with baby fat smeared all over his face. The unalterable fact that he was 20 something and she was 50 something could be a problem. But Demi and Ashton were desperately in love with a huge age difference, right?
“Don’t be too quick to judge,” she admonished herself.
And then he smiled. Red flag number three . . missing teeth!
Pookie learned that Cyberdate had a specific gene that birthed him without the possibility of ever producing his own grown-up teeth. For the moment, Cyberdate’s mouth looked like a construction site for a metal suspension bridge with wires connecting the tiny baby teeth to parts unknown widening the spaces between the upcoming adult teeth which would be screwed into his jawbone propelling him past puberty into adulthood in a single dental visit.
“You could be my Sugar Mamma,” she heard him respond to her acknowledgment about the complications of their age difference which she tactfully brought up instead of the fact that she couldn’t possibly date someone who didn’t have teeth to floss.
So Pookie found herself face to face with a guy who was still a baby in at least one way, and she knew it was going to be a long row to hoe in the 2007 dating garden. Baby corn wasn't going to be her vegetable of choice. All of a sudden Pookie saw the rows and rows of new and used up vegetables she was going to have to get on her tractor of love to plow through, and she hoped it wasn't going to be a long, hot summer.
(c) nancy 7.10.2009
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