Tuesday, August 3, 2010

That's the title of my school project this month. I am in massage school and my class is learning all about the muscles in the human body. I am learning how "awesomely and wonderfully made" we are as humans. I don't know how a person can say that there is no God if they begin to learn all the intricacies that went into our bodies being formed, made, and created. It's pretty fascinating but overwhelming when you have to memorize all those muscles and what they do. By the way, who was in charge of naming them? It's all Greek and Latin to me.

For instance . . .  what really goes on in the body when a person does something as simple as kicking a ball? That's what I have to research and write about and hand in three weeks from now. I am having fun browsing through wikipedia and other places in the web of information. Some of the old Grey's Anatomy drawings of the leg and thigh muscles are fabulous. Just for fun, here are a few of the names of these muscles . . . 
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Psoas Major
Adductor Brevis, Longus and Magnus

Some of these muscle groups sound like brothers who all play on the football team at Superjock High. Others sound like a spell straight out of a Harry Potter movie. Imagine yourself holding your special wand in your hand, waving it around in the air as you say with conviction, "Flexor Digitorum Longus!" and POOF! . . . your enemy's leg grows three inches and they begin to waddle around in circles on their way to their potion's class. You feel pretty smug before you trip over your own robes, falling flat on your gluteus maximus.

So if you get bored at work or just want to learn something about yourself, check out the human body and all its muscles on the world wide web. Take a vacation inside your body and travel through your arteries and veins and get a glimpse of how wonderful and awesome you are!!

(c) Nancy 8.3. 2010