Thursday, July 30, 2015

Relation Ships
Ahoy Mates!!
I was watching a movie on TCM last night and in one scene a small ship was being manned by three people in a gale storm. One had to hold fast to the tiller while one furiously bailed water and the third person tried to fix the motor in the pouring rain and blasting wind. It made me think of their relationships to one another and then, of course, I divided the word in half and my thoughts began to sail along that wave.
Relation ships . . . we are always in one kind of boat or another, aren't we? When two people have a relationship it really is like they are in a boat together and have to figure out how they are going to man it across all the different seas of life. Will they work together to save the ship in times of tempest or will they give up the struggle of bailing themselves out of a possible disaster? When the wind is so still that it seems as if the monotony will starve your brain are you willing to wait it out until the shift occurs and a breeze creeps over the still waters to get things moving again?
I have owned a really nice sailing vessel at one point and it was fun to see its sails billowing out in all kinds of weather. White sails against a blue sky with the breeze at your back and the sun on your face feels so peaceful. But I remember one time when I was on the boat with two other people and we had to put on the yellow hooded slickers in order to stay dry as we manned the tiller, hauled a sail down, and generally tried to see land as the thunder, lightning and rain held us in its powerful and beautiful grasp all around us. Thrilling!
I don't suppose I should recommend doing that but I enjoyed it immensely. We were caught in its sudden embrace, held on, and fortunately, we all had the skill and the fearlessness to take charge of the situation. Friends have asked me if I was scared and I had to reply I was electrified. Not literally but emotionally. It still gives me chills. Do you see where I am going with this?
In relationships, not all will be smooth sailing, sunshine and warm breezes. It can get chilly and downright cold to the point of numbness. You may feel as if you will capsize with the next wave that hits.  Is your relationship worth riding out the storms? What do you really want?
I understand that sometimes you really do need to bail out of the boat because it's not going in the direction that you desire. You don't want to go to Africa or the West Indies. I get it. Be certain that's not what you want, and if a change in course is necessary, then be strong in asking for it. You may be surprised to find out that the person in the ship with you wouldn't mind plotting a new course together, not separately. Maybe that person really would like to explore the Mediterranean.
Whatever your course I pray you eventually find yourself in a safe harbour.

(photo courtesy of the web)
(c)nancy 7.30.2015

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Wuthering Heights and Mr. Webster

Wuthering Heights

I had it on my mind last summer to read the classics. I read a few and then got into other subjects. But I saw Wuthering Heights on the Goodwill bookshelves and jumped up and down, figuratively speaking, before I grabbed it and sauntered to the checkout counter as if I didn't have something grand under my arm.

When I began to read it I soon realized that I wouldn't be reading it solo. I would have Mr. Webster on the couch with me as my go-to companion. I enjoyed underlining a word here and there in the paperback and writing its meaning underneath or in the margin nearby. I must say that I read a lot and know a lot of words but Emily Bronte stumped me a time or two.

Here are the words I needed to look up:

1. assiduity: consent or close application or effort; diligence; solicitous

2. sagacity: (I sort of knew what this meant) acuteness of mental judgement

3. copestone: (again, knew it was a stone but what kind?) the top stone of a building

4. asseverated: declared earnestly

5. lachrymose: mournful

6. weather-cocks: a person who readily adapts the latest fads, opinions

7. churl: rude person

8. negus: a beverage made of wine and hot water with sugar, nutmeg and lemon

9. sizar: an undergraduate who receives maintainence aid from the college (Cambridge University     and Trinity College)

10. thible: (this word was not in my Webster's) online - a stick or spatula for stirring porridge

11. heterodox: not in accordance with established or accepted doctrines or opinions esp. in theology

12. comminations: denunciations; of condemnation

13. immolation: sacrifice

14. pertinacious: stubborn

15. cockatrice: a legendary monster with a deadly glance, supposedly hatched by a serpent from the egg of cock

So, not to be lachrymose or a churl about this list as to asseverate that you may not know them either, I shall remain pertinacious in my assiduity in attending to learning more words and their meanings.

(c)nancy  7.15.2015