I am reading a very interesting book at this moment, The Book of the Moon by Steven Forrest, and I am finding it to be magical. Magical? What do I mean by that . . . I mean that it explains the moon in its shrouded mystery and how it may affect us Earthlings.
Have you ever looked up at the moon and wondered what other generations of humans were thinking as well? When you see a Full Moon in all its glory you realize why people worshipped the shining orb. It is like a parent silently watching over us in the night, bathing us in a protective light, peering out from behind clouds. We like staring at it. Wolves like to raise their noses and howl toward it. The Moon is curiously comforting, thought-provoking, and mysterious . . . like a Rubik's Cube in the sky that we must turn this way and that in our minds yet it remains puzzling, fascinating, hypnotizing.
Have you ever looked up into the clouds on a warm summer night, laying on your back with your arms under your head? The dark sky dotted with a billion stars that twinkled like so many fireflies? The Moon was shielded by a bank of wispy, gossamer clouds that twirled in front of the light like a belly dancer, gracefully but purposefully moving in front of the glowing sphere, flirting. And then the fabric of the cloud moved on and the Moon was revealed, naked, and its beauty mesmerized you into thought, captivated you with its luminescence and you couldn't look away as you wondered what it was trying to tell you.
Okay, so you may not have done any of that and you were just looking up at the Moon as the clouds parted and thought . . . hmmm . . . the moon is full again . . . awesome . . . and then you turned away and moved on. But for some of us, the Full Moon wakes us up in the middle of the night and pulls us out of bed with our heads throbbing as if the Moon's magnetism is drawing the tides of our brain as much as it draws the ocean's waters. It isn't pleasant but the Moon is letting us know that it is there and it will be noticed. It is that powerful.
Why else do you think that God placed it to watch over us brilliantly by night and sometimes transparently during the day? He put it there for a reason to navigate in space around and around the Earth day after day, eon after eon. The Earth and its Moon are like eternal soul mates forever staying within spatial reach and being there for one another as they revolve purposefully around the warming Sun.
As the Earth and the Moon go through life together so to this book says that we have lunar bonds to people on this blue planet. Who are your lunar bonds?
As I continue to read this book I may find out more revealing aspects of the Moon and some about myself. After all, I am only on page 31. I have just under 300 more pages to go. I can't wait!!
image courtesy of online search
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