Massage School 911
If at first you don't succeed . . . try, try again, right?
And thank goodness that's the motto at my school. In fact, if you do pass the final the first time, they (the school, that is) suggests you take the other three finals as well just so you can know it all for the state boards.
Yay! I get to take the final three or more times just for the heck of it!? Even when I do pass!?
Yep . . . don't count your answers before they are scored, preppie.
With 200 questions to answer at .5 per question, I figured a person could miss 50 and still make that glorious score of 75. But I had to change a few and then they went from right to wrong in a single stroke. Okay, so I changed some others that went from wrong to right, but why couldn't I leave well enough alone? I ask you!!
I missed passing my first try by .5 points. Yep, that's right. But there's no use crying over spilled chromosomes. At this point you ask yourself . . . is the cup half full or half empty? That is the question . . . or is it the answer? Perhaps it's 'none of the above'.
I chose to see the cup almost full because the cup only lacketh a snippet of correct info to be filled. Two more right answers would have made the cup runneth over . . . slightly. Oh joy!!
So it is I find myself at the threshold of another day which may bring, with my second try, correct answers spilling all over the school table whereupon I have laboured for three hours over alpha beta cells which produce glucagon, the posterior tibialis muscle which inverts the foot or plantar flexes it if the peroneus muscles don't get to it first and dorsi flex the foot in order to kick a football.
Ah . . . to pass with flying colors and then be able to sit on my gluteus maximus while my buccinator coordinates the popcorn in my mouth while the rods in my eyes see black and white from my HDTV! As I hold my forearm out in supination I will click the remote using my thenar muscles, abduct it back to my lap where my cat purrs perched on my rectus femoris reaching up the length of my rectus abdominus with her paw to touch my sternoclavicular joint which is the only upper connection my axial skeleton has with my appendicular skeleton.
But let's not get all yin and yang about it or crawl all over someone's chi because dosha know that's messing with NRG.
Okay, so I got carried away. But you get the picture. Or if you haven't you can go to http://www.wikipedia.com/ and get all the info you desire about the human body and all its muscles, nerves, and systems.
We are awesomely and wonderfully made!!! And those words are right out of the mouth of God.
(P.S. I passed the second school final with an "A". Plus I passed the Boards on my first try. Yay!)
(c) nancy 2.24.2011
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