The Moon and all its Colors
As some of you know, the Lunar Eclipse falls on the Winter Solstice this Tuesday. So get up sleepy heads or just don't go to bed because this phenomenon doesn't happen every year. You might see the moon change colors from gray to orange to red. Where's that high tech camera when you need it, right? I'm sure we will be able to go online the morning after and view some awesome shots taken from all over the globe. Especially from NASA, I hope.
Maybe you should mark that day as a day that you too will do something out of the ordinary . . . in a good way, my friend. Don't do something out of the ordinary that'll hurt you or someone else, O.K.?
Now that we have that ironed out, I suggest a change of color for you too. How about having a total eclipse of your attitude? If it's been dark, then let there be light!
A total eclipse of your relationship? If it's been colorless, turn the colored spotlights on it.
A total eclipse of your person? Cut your hair, grow it, get a perm, get extensions, shave it, lose weight, gain weight, eat a cookie.
Just don't get all Lunar toons about it. You don't want to freak out your cat.
Remember that the Winter Solstice is the longest night of the year so get crackin' with your eclipse ideas. Your reward? A better you staying up to see a big, beautiful red moon hanging out in the sky changing its colors too.
(c) nancy 12.19.2010
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