The sun has set on 2010. Should we have a party? A funeral? Say a prayer? Can you dig it back up. Do you want to? Maybe we just need to say a few parting words over the last year and wish it well. Believe that it is now in a better place and that you will be too. Let it go. Tomorrow the sun will rise in the year 2011. Sounds futuristic.
It is. It's your future.
Now . . . turn around. Walk away from the sunset with the memories. Good and bad. Wake up to the sunrise and go find some fresh dirt to play in. Plant some seeds. Let those seeds be the dreams you have wished for upon a star. "If your heart is in your dream no request is too extreme". That's what Jimminy Cricket sang to me when I was young, and I became a believer in dreams coming true. A dream starts with a thought . . . a feeling . . . a picture in your head of what you truly want if you could wave a magic wand, blink your eyes or just close them . . . entering into your wonderful imagination where all is possible.
If you can dream it, then you can begin to speak it. Speak it into being as God spoke the heavens and the earth back into being after it went null and void with darkness upon the face of the deep.
Where do you begin? Light. Then you can see. Create the world in which you want to live and be happy. Do it now. Consciously separate the darkness from the light and let the light rule over the day and the night.
It's a new year. 2011. That's a good binary, back-to-basic number to begin your journey. A year of discoveries . . . about yourself . . . a lot of things. Make it happen. Be bold. Be you. Be happy. Why do you think we all cheer 'Happy New Year' at the stroke of midnight? Because that's what we all want . . . to be happy.
(c) nancy 12.31.2010
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