A New Decade
So does that mean we should get back to basics? Get simpler in our interior decorating style? Get back to raw fruits and vegetables? Dial it down a notch on texting and e-mails? Get back to the basics on everything?
Like relationships. Take the stress out. Love regardless. Love unconditionally. Accept imperfections. Be kind. Be generous. Without thinking first. Just be kind. Be sweet. Give and don't expect anything in return. Give regardless. Give unconditionally. Accept help unconditionally.
Like work. Am I happy? If not, change things so you can be happy. Happy is very basic.
Like play. What? You forgot how to play? That's what we learned how to do first when we were kids. Go swing on a swing or smush some play-dough. But don't eat it like you did when you were a kid. You really do have to learn from your mistakes. Make time to blurt out “I Love You” for no apparent reason and throw your arms around that person and then go back to playing with the sand in the sandbox. Make sure you're barefoot.
So . . . is your life too complicated? It's gotten into the higher digits and the stress level has increased with the numbers? You're not happy as many minutes as you used to be? Your relationships have fallen by the wayside along with your sense of humor?
Break it down to zeros and ones. Breathe deeply and take a moment. Get back to the basics in this decade. Dial it down and take time to enjoy living. Breathing. Being.
After all, we were supposed to stroll in a garden. Stop and smell the roses.
© nancy 2.11.2010
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