I would like to meet the person who made up the term, The Golden Years, and give them a piece of my mind! The Golden Years. Really?
I think the golden years of a person's life is when one is young. That's when you have all the energy in the world. Your body is in the best shape. Your mind is less cluttered with all the life experiences you will have, both fantastically good and tragically sad. The world is your oyster and there's a pearl growing inside your shell. You haven't lived long enough to be pessimistic and jaded. There's a blue bird singing on your shoulder and the future is bright.
But . . . then you get older. Not only is the future not as bright as you imagined but your eyesight is getting dimmer to boot. Thanks!
All that High School football you played is catching up to you in your joints, and every time the weather takes a turn for the worse, so does your neck, back, and knees which got clobbered over and over on the playing field to the roaring cheers from the bleachers. Now you ask yourself, “Was it worth it?” and you reply with a smile that you'd do it all over again if your knees weren't bad.
So, you take up golf, but as you have gotten older, so has your thumbs which can't quite grasp the club as elegantly, your back is out of alignment most of the time as well, so your swing runs wide and the ball lands in the rough or you try to dig it out of the sand trap like a cat in a litter box. Thank God for the nineteenth hole where you can soothe your golden aches and pains with a drink, and I'm not talking coca-cola.
And if you're a woman, you just don't age like a fine wine as a man does who, if they were a nerd in High School, look like Clark Gable at sixty. But you, on the other hand at the ripe old age of fifty-something, look like an elephant with all the wrinkles and the sags and your memory is on holiday for good.
The Golden Years? Bah humbug. And then The Market crashed and all those who were trying to tell themselves they were in their Golden Years and could relax with their arthritis are now greeters at Wal-Mart.
Something's wrong with this picture, right?
If you are reading this and you are young . . . it's your golden years!!!!
If there is something you want to do . . . like climb Mount Everest . . . DO IT NOW. Don't get old and think it's getting better and you find yourself making a Bucket List of the things you wished you had done when you were younger. DO THEM NOW. Do you really want to jump out of a plane when you're eighty-five? Yes? Go for it, then. But go for it NOW while you have good knees to land on. Don't wait for your golden years in the sunset of your life. The key is the sun is setting and then the light goes out. Do it while the sun is up in the sky and you can see!!!! There's no time like the present. At least right now in the present moment you have that moment, so take a bucketful of those moments and DO IT NOW. Your moments aren't going to roll over like your cell phone minutes and you'll have more minutes the next month to live. Nope. It's like a woman's ovaries. They only have, at birth, a certain number of eggs to fry and when the carton is empty, there ain't no more.
So this is your still-small-blog-voice telling you to enjoy your golden years because it is NOW. If you've got air miles, then go now to St. Lucia! Or jump out of a plane. Or climb Mount Everest. Or tell that person that you want to spend the rest of your life with them!!!
Remember . . . NOW is your golden years. Tomorrow the sun may set forever.
© nancy 1.27.2010
So this is your still-small-blog-voice telling you to enjoy your golden years because it is NOW. If you've got air miles, then go now to St. Lucia! Or jump out of a plane. Or climb Mount Everest. Or tell that person that you want to spend the rest of your life with them!!!
Remember . . . NOW is your golden years. Tomorrow the sun may set forever.
© nancy 1.27.2010
Lovely column. Right on! I'd respond at greater length but all those G's I pulled when younger have made my back hurt too much to go on.