Happy Holidays!
Wait a minute . . . did I just hear you mumble, "Bah Humbug?"
If you're determined to be a Bah Humbug, then be one with gusto and a smile. That way you'll be a hit. But if you want to be a curved back, grumbling Scrooge, then go sit in your cold corner alone without a lump of warm coal to your name and count your pennies instead of your blessings.
Me? I say, "Turn on the twinkly lights!!!"
That's right. I know that I was the first one to grumble at the folks who would put up their Christmas lights before Thanksgiving. I thought it a terrible thing to see twinkling lights for sale at the drug store along with Halloween masks. Can't people be patient? What's the rush to get to Christmas before you can even say, "Boo?!"
But this year I had a change of heart. Before I could say, "Trick or Treat" I was silently getting out my tree from its resting place in the attic and giving it a prominent place in a room where it could be seen through my front glass door from the street below. It helped that the happy lights were permanently attached to the fake tree, and I only had to plug the cord into the outlet and exclaim . . . "I needed a little Christmas . . . right this very minute . . . I needed a little Christmas NOW !!!"
So what if the Trick or Treaters came to my door this year and Ding Dong! saw the glowing tree in the background. They probably thought they had landed in Oz. Unfortunately, Glenda had a headache and couldn't meet and greet the little munchkins at the door so a bowl of candy was left on the stoop next to the pumpkins to make the trek up the driveway worth the little goblins' efforts. Hope the kiddos found the offering while their parents stood at the curb far below . . . yelling, "Only take one piece!"
And grumbling amongst themselves . . . "Is that a Christmas tree I see through the front door? What?!!! The nerve. Can't she wait for the last piece of candy to be eaten? I tell you what . . some people! It's bad enough that you see folks putting up their trees before their Thanksgiving turkey can come out of the oven, but I swear. Really?".
"Yeah, and the next thing you know she'll be setting off fireworks in January!!!"
Hmmmm . . . that's an idea.
And off they go, hand in hand, with their batmans, princesses and pirates to the tune of, "Can we put up our tree when we get home, mom/dad? Can we? That was pretty!"
And what about you? Are you down in the dumps? Turn the radio on 'cause Santa Claus is Comin' To Town, Chestnuts are Roasting on an Open Fire, and I'll Be Home For Christmas . . . you can count on me.
"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord . . . " (Luke 2:10-11)
"... and peace on earth toward men of good will." (literal translation)
(c) nancy 12.1.2009
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