I learned from a friend to look around me on a daily/hourly basis and see what the world was communicating to me. To stop and really see what was around me. Was the world telling me something? Some would use the word Universe or even God. After all this is our planet in which we live and breathe so why not stop in our daily lives, whether it has become hectic or mundane, to see what is before us.
Today when I came back from lunch I noticed what I thought was yet another big mushroom sprouting in my soggy front yard. But on closer viewing, I noticed it was the turtle seen above. He was eating the moss in my front yard. I thought it significant since I rarely see this creature on my lawn. I have only seen one twice before and not close together in sighting. Years apart.
So what does it mean? Why did he show up in the open eating my moss in my front yard where I had to walk near him to get to my front door?
Today I was picked up for lunch so I did not drive into my garage, therefore having to walk up my driveway instead. If I had not gone to lunch nor had not been picked up at that time, then I would not have seen him. Unless, of course, it was meant to be, and I would have come out at that time anyway to see the plants out front. But I try not to go into all that and just enjoy the fact that I saw the turtle and stopped to consider why.
I had looked up 'turtle totem' before but wanted to refresh my memory. Here's a few words about the turtle:
This is taken from http://www.spiritanimal.info/turtle-spirit-animal/.
You can look up "turtle totem" on the internet and get more information. Even if you don't believe in animals showing up in your life or in your yard to show you something you may need to listen to or heed, it can still be fascinating to learn about and maybe help you to gain a wider perspective on what is going on around you. To notice that the world, the Universe, God is talking to you or reminding you of something. Maybe to stop and take care of yourself. Slow down. Be patient. Learn to be comfortable within your own shell. After all, the turtle carries his home on his back. He is comfortable wherever he goes.
What spoke to you today? What was in your path today that you saw? Did you miss something? Look and listen. You may be surprised for when you begin to look and see things that are out there for you specifically you will see more and more. It will become second nature to you which was supposed to be first nature in the first place.
Once three masked raccoons came to my screen door and peered in at me while I was watching TV. I looked them up and sure enough, it was what I needed to hear. Another time three geese showed up and that too was spot on for me.
So take care to take care of your surroundings and yourself and see what is speaking to you. You may be enlightened!
(c)nancy 8.13.2014
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