American Hustle
It's unbelievable that you can rent this movie at Redbox for only $1.28. That's almost a crime.Am I right?
This Sunday morning the forecast for the afternoon was rain. So I thought . . . why not rent a movie from Redbox? Can't work in the yard. Well, I could if I wanted to get wet and cold. But the idea of being warm and cozy inside with a good movie to watch sounded much better. Fortunately, American Hustle was in one of the boxes at my nearby Walgreens.
Do I think Christian Bale is the best?
Yes. Ever since I saw him in "Newsies". I told my girls and anyone who would listen that I thought the young boy would go somewhere in film. Does that make me famous? Psychic? No. It did make me aware of what I said when I began to see him in so many character roles later that he pulled off with panache. Not every actor or actress can be a great character actor. I won't name the ones that never seem to be able to pull that off and just don't have the ability to do so, but Christian is a genius.
How about all that hair?
After watching the movie I wanted to go back to Walgreens and buy some mega hairspray, come back home, wash and roll my hair in big purple rollers or try to find some hot curlers somewhere. Then tease the life out of my hair in an up doo, go up in the attic and find an old dress that would announce my hair's arrival as I walked into any room. Afraid I don't smoke or drink but I could fake it. I began to think of a party I could give, what the invitation would look like and the last line . . .
"Don't come unless you have a comb over or teased hair. Red fingernails mandatory. Go big hair or stay home."
Everything edible at the party would be microwaved. The music would set the tone and it would have to be vinyl, scratches and all. Lots of ice for glasses. Clink!
Anyway, it's about time I saw this fabulous movie and can I say that Christian is sexy no matter how he fills out his clothes?
Like my mother said of Sean Connery when she said she thought he was sexy . . . "He can't help it."
(c)nancy 3.23.2014
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