Debbie Downer Days
Do you ever wake up a different person? You went to bed all happy and woke up all sad? Who is the person with my body laying in bed all Debbie Down in the Dumps . . not wanting to get out and start the day with a zip in her step and a song in her heart? Did the bluebird of happiness fly off in the night to meet up with a nightingale and leave you chirpless?
Here’s a few things you can do . . .
Call a friend that will tell you that you deserve to be a Little Debbie today because of this and that and get validation for your feelings of lowliness. Once you’ve gotten it out to a sympathetic ear and hear that it’s okay to be you no matter who you are, then call a friend that makes you giggle.
Now you can laugh at yourself with someone and begin to feel pretty good. Life is funny, your friend is funny, you’re funny and the situation you find yourself in will pass.
While you’re talking with this kooky friend you can simultaneously open up a can or a bottle of Coca-cola, pour it over some crunchy ice, and let the fizz give you that cleaning out feeling as it goes down your throat like Draino through a clogged sink, taking with it your woes, freeing up what is making you sluggish. Who cares if it’s eight o’clock in the morning!
Now it’s time to show Debbie who’s boss. Pick out something colorful from your closet. If you don’t have anything but black on black then pick a wildflower from the side of the street as you go to work or take the kids to school and pin it to your shirt. Be real wild and put it in your hair . . . without the bugs, of course. Decide you’re going to treat yourself to that People Magazine during your lunchtime. Go ahead! Who cares what the person behind you in line is thinking. Buy it and eat something that you normally wouldn’t eat, just for fun, and sit under a tree and have yourself a picnic. Tell Debbie Downer that you’re glad she can understand your woes but that she can take the rest of the day/afternoon/month off. You’ll call her if you need her.
In the meantime the sun is starting to come out . . . today . . . not tomorrow . . . and you can be proud of yourself that you conquered your depression.
One day at a time, darling. Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. Life is full of itsy bitsy successes that pile up on each other to make one, big Yes!!
Hang in there. Breathe.
© Nancy 7.15.2010
Here’s a few things you can do . . .
Call a friend that will tell you that you deserve to be a Little Debbie today because of this and that and get validation for your feelings of lowliness. Once you’ve gotten it out to a sympathetic ear and hear that it’s okay to be you no matter who you are, then call a friend that makes you giggle.
Now you can laugh at yourself with someone and begin to feel pretty good. Life is funny, your friend is funny, you’re funny and the situation you find yourself in will pass.
While you’re talking with this kooky friend you can simultaneously open up a can or a bottle of Coca-cola, pour it over some crunchy ice, and let the fizz give you that cleaning out feeling as it goes down your throat like Draino through a clogged sink, taking with it your woes, freeing up what is making you sluggish. Who cares if it’s eight o’clock in the morning!
Now it’s time to show Debbie who’s boss. Pick out something colorful from your closet. If you don’t have anything but black on black then pick a wildflower from the side of the street as you go to work or take the kids to school and pin it to your shirt. Be real wild and put it in your hair . . . without the bugs, of course. Decide you’re going to treat yourself to that People Magazine during your lunchtime. Go ahead! Who cares what the person behind you in line is thinking. Buy it and eat something that you normally wouldn’t eat, just for fun, and sit under a tree and have yourself a picnic. Tell Debbie Downer that you’re glad she can understand your woes but that she can take the rest of the day/afternoon/month off. You’ll call her if you need her.
In the meantime the sun is starting to come out . . . today . . . not tomorrow . . . and you can be proud of yourself that you conquered your depression.
One day at a time, darling. Second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour. Life is full of itsy bitsy successes that pile up on each other to make one, big Yes!!
Hang in there. Breathe.
© Nancy 7.15.2010
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