Memorial Weekend
Memorial Weekend is coming up. What are you going to do? Same 'ol, same 'ol?
Why not do something different this year. If you always go to the beach, then go to the mountains instead. If you always stay home and cook out, then go somewhere out of town and eat at a restaurant. If you're waiting for a family member to figure out a plan, you figure one out instead and go for it.
If you haven't figured it out yet . . . let me clue you in . . . life is short. Don't make it boring.
But on the other hand, I have to admit that boring is better than an accident and you find yourself hooked up to IV's and who-knows-what-else in the hospital. That's what my mother and I said one day when I was helping her after she had a heart attack which led to a triple by-pass. We thought about the days in the past that we thought were boring and thanked God for every single one!!!
We thanked God for being able to wake up in the morning with our chests uncracked and our hearts un-by-passed. We thanked Him for the time flying by slowly so we could enjoy every crawling moment. We thanked Him for home-cooked meals and not hospital cafeteria food, being able to breathe fresh air, being able to walk down a hall all by ourselves without an IV pole following us like a dog on a leash!
So even if you don't stir things up this Memorial Weekend and do something different, just enjoy doing what you normally do. Go ahead and lounge in your big chair in front of the TV with a sweet tea watching the cooking channel while someone else grills out on the deck. Enjoy the aroma of the hamburgers and hot dogs as they near their medium-rare goodness before they land on your plate next to your potato salad. Smile while you watch your children or grandchildren play with each other even if they do yell, “Mom . . . Bobby's breathing on me! Tell him to stop!!”
Whatever you do this upcoming holiday weekend have fun and thank God for those who made it possible for you.
© nancy 5.23.2010
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