Friday, April 16, 2010


“Pooka? What kind of title is that, and what is she going to write about now?”

Are you asking yourself that question? Well, I have to tell you that sometimes things just get in your head at midnight and you think . . .  I'll stay up and write a blog on that. Hopefully to the delight of a Pooka!

O.kay, I won't leave you hanging. Have you ever watched the Jimmy Stewart movie by the name “Harvey”? Then you know that Harvey, in the movie, is a Pooka. I would describe him, but I've never seen him. Only Jimmy Stewart can see him.

My father had a friend who said he could see him and even had a portrait of a Pooka above a fireplace to prove it. I wonder if Dad's friend and Jimmy were also friends by Pooka association? Maybe their Pookas were cousins and Mr. Hoover and Jimmy met while they traveled together? One can only hope.

Maybe we all need a Pooka. Someone who is there for you at all times . . . during the good and the bad . . .  who listens patiently and even laughs at your witty remarks. And you laugh at his or hers or is it an 'it'? It doesn't matter. Only that it has your back. 

Anyway, your Pooka may not be six feet or taller, have big hare-like ears, and open doors for you. Maybe yours has evolved into a real live person who lets you know they are there when you wake up in the morning and check your e-mails or Facebook, and “Poof!” . . .  there they are sending you a pat on the back and a “you can do it” verbal gesture or they make you giggle with their comments when you hadn't laughed all day.

So here's to all you Pookas out there . . .  THANK YOU! And to all you Pookaless persons out there - open your eyes and look around. There may be a Pooka standing right next to you who has your back.

P.S. Did you notice I don't have an image with this blog? I'll let you ponder that one. You'll understand if you think it through or watch "Harvey".

© nancy 4.16.2010


  1. "Poof!" Back.....finally. The Pooka's been slow to respond because he's still getting back up and dusting himself off after being blown out of the park by his significant Pooka partner's astonishing blog entry. But he's pleased to see she has the talent to do so, which may have been the reason (or one out of many reasons) why he chose her as his significant Pooka partner (sometimes referred to as a "Pookie"). Pookas are drawn to the magical, the uniquely talented, and the witty. They know the novel is there, even though no one can see it yet, because they know when a Pookie has what it takes. Especially when it's in spades.

    Uh Oh! The ether is calling. It's back to the Celtic mythic regions. But who knows when your Pooka may reappear, perhaps in the background of a photograph you thought you knew.



