I used to watch a show on T.V. on Sunday nights. It was called “Lois & Clark: The New Adventures of Superman”. I came back to it week after week for the romance. I was hooked. (Teri Hatcher and Dean Cain really put on a show and let the sparks fly . . . not to mention the rest of the crew.) And God bless you, Deborah Joy LeVine, for a wonderful script.
After all, what woman wouldn't want to BE Lois? I pictured myself in her shoes as she was being constantly rescued by Superman. The dumb-dumb didn't know that he was really Clark Kent. Duh!!! Take off his glasses and put some on, Lois!
But Clark was the real deal. He did what every woman with a romantic soul wanted . . . he listened.
He gave Lois his undivided attention and actually looked into her eyes while he listened. Yum.
And he said all the right words. Melt.
And he let Lois be Lois and fell in love with her in spite of herself. Mmmmmm. Triple Yum Yum.
Finally, her eyes were opened after years of steady Clarkdom and she realized that her hero lived within her best friend.
So. all you guys out there, go out and rent all the seasons of 'Lois and Clark', absorb every episode (the ones before they got different writers and it began to fall apart), and get your Superman on.
Better yet . . . get your Clark on. If you watch closely he'll give you some clues, ideas, pointers, on how to be the Superman to your Lois in a real Clark world.
Believe it or not, just about every woman, in this politically correct equal opportunity world, still desires a man who can sweep her off her feet and fly her to the moon.
(P.S. I usually take all the pictures that feature in my Blog but Dean was busy so I used a picture of him from my DVD's. Please don't sue me all you folks who made up and produced the DVDs. I won't do it again.)
© nancy 9.8.2009
© nancy 9.8.2009
Thanks for the tip. I'm taking notes!