Today I went to see my mother for Thanksgiving. I had the radio on, 101.5 FM, to listen to Christmas music on my way down Glenwood Avenue. The sky was blue and the sun was out. A beautiful morning.
As I passed Krispy Kreme on my left approaching Historic Oakwood my mother's favorite Christmas song came on the radio and I had to smile and shed a tear at the same time. Charlie Brown's jazzy tune filled my car and I rolled down my window so that it could fill the air. A warmed 61 degrees floated in and cooled my face. I took a huge deep breath to still my melancholy and continued to drive to Oakwood Cemetery. I knew that the song would come to an end as I approached mom's spot. Sure enough it did.
I got out of the car and walked over the grass to our family's plot, a peaceful area on a hill that catches every breeze. The mistletoe in the tree above mom's stone and cross was more visible as the leaves laid bare the branches.
I knelt down and put my hands on her cold stone as the warm morning sun hit the right side of my face and I quietly let the peace wash over me. Tears streaming down my face. Church bells in the distance rang out ten times.
Happy Thanksgiving, Mom. I miss you.
When I got back in my car and turned the key Frank Sinatra was singing "You better not cry".
I had to laugh.
Thanks Mom. As always you wipe away my tears.
(c)nancy 11.27.2015